

“As a resident of the world of design since birth, I’d like to take some time to celebrate some of the people and things in that world that I admire. I hope you come along for the ride. And, as my name has really taken a beating these last couple of years, -thank you Mr. Bezos, - feel free to think of me here by my nickname: Lex. And, please also enjoy this completely un-recognizable and years old headshot.” - Alexa Hampton

David Stark

David Stark

photo by Aaron Delesie

If you could have a second home anywhere, where would you live? Paris

What are three words to describe your style work?

  1. Unexpected

  2. Graphic

  3. Large-scale

Tell us about your childhood bedroom? My brother and I shared a bedroom that was red, white, and blue, replete with whimsical toy soldier-patterned wallpaper. The repeat was loud and graphic, and as an adult, I remember it to be very Alexander Girard-esque. It was probably anything but, but I’d like to think I was exposed to that kind of sophistication early on. (Wink!)

What’s the first investment piece you ever bought for your house? The very piece of GOOD fine art that I bought years ago was an infinity drawing in ink by Yoyoi Kusama from the 1950’s. It’s a beauty. I hemmed and hawed a ton before pulling the trigger, but I’m glad I did.

In the history of design, if you could hire any designer other than yourself, who would it be?
I would definitely not say no to Diego Giacometti creating custom lighting fixtures and pieces of furniture for my home.

No room is complete without art and at least one hand-made item.

People think of my work as big and theatrical, but my personal style at home is more intimate and contemplative.

Things you omit from:

  • A flower arrangement: Gerbera daisies

  • An hors d’oeuvre platter: Dipping sauces

  • A bar cabinet: Disposable glassware

A song for:

  • Dinner at home:  “Sabor A Mi” by Eydie Gormé y Trio Los Panchos

  • Working at your desk: No music – I need quiet while I work!

  • Going for a run:  “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson, featuring Bruno Mars

Biggest Vice? Chocolate. Close second – ice cream.

If you were on an Ambien high and internet shopping, what would you buy? I have been eye-ing this Lalanne, ceramic chicken planter for a long time. I missed my opportunity to purchase it reasonably years ago, and now, it’s way too late and outrageously expensive.

Do your clothes reflect your design sensibility, if so, how? I suppose my clothing reflects the at-home me rather than the more public-work me. My clothes are quiet, generally monochromatic with a twist -- not flashy in any way. I’m drawn to luxury but avoid clothing that feels like “fashion.”

Who is your star crush? Right this minute, it’s Luis Barragan. I just returned from a trip to Mexico and have fallen in love with Mr. Barragan all over again. I know you probably meant Hollywood crush, but . . .

What is the thing you would never do on a project, but don’t detest when you see others do it?
I am very, very rarely ALSO a guest at the events that we design and plan. It happens once in a while, but I always remember that I enter through the service door and am there because there is a job to do.

If there were a fire, and you could only keep one design book, what would it be? Chairman: Rolf Fehlbaum by Tibor Kalman

For posterity, what would you like your work to be known for? I would like our work to be thought of as installation art rather than event décor.

photo by Susan Montagna

A Few Favorites:

Movie: Bring It On – I’m kind of a cheeseball at heart.

Book: Just Kids by Patti Smith

Scent: I am addicted to Hermès’ travel-sized scents that are assembled as a box of four of your choice. I take them on the road and refresh myself in odd-ball backrooms as guests are about to walk into our events.

The fabric you always come back to: Painter’s canvas

Dream project: Met Costume Institute Ball

Meal: I’m real partial to a lazy lunch at Loulou in Paris.

Drink: Tequila Blanco in a tall glass with club soda and fresh lime juice

Hotel: Crosby Street Hotel

Travel Destination: Paris

Artist: Yves Klein

A cause near and dear to me: God’s Love We Deliver and the Robin Hood Foundation

Thing to collect obsessively: Art and tableware

Museum: Brooklyn Museum

Paint Color that always looks great: Benjamin Moore Balboa Mist

Favorite person to follow on Instagram: I have three pages that I am delighted and surprised by regularly, they are:




Dogs, Cats, or No Pets? No Pets. That’s not always the way it’s been. I have loved many a dog in my lifetime, but right now, no pets.

Jane Schulak

Jane Schulak

Bailey Li

Bailey Li